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Site Area:142坪
Completion Date:11/2012

Gung Ho | Mutualisation

Mulualisation between employees / Mulualisation betweenthe company and its client / Mulualisation between human being and environment

Design Concept

A. Meeting room is designed to be situated in the center of the office; areas with natural lighting are reserved for employees.

B. Meeting room with sliding walls and doors are designed to be flexibly adapted into different sizes based on needs. 

C. The sliding door can be stored aside while there is no meeting taking place in order to visually enlarge the office and increase penetration.

D. the sliding door made of polygal PC is lighter in weight and allows better light penetration compared to the traditional gloss-made one; at       the same time without sacrificing on privacy.

Green Concept

—Mix usage of new and recycled materials (Mutualisation)

—Designa three-dimentional painting on the wall. The painting is consisting of plants and running waters that make the sense of hearing            immersed into the space.

—Ecological aquarium provides rwlaxing atmoshpere inthe office; and the whole ecological system embedded in th the cabint improves              indoor aircondition in the day time.

—Abandoning traditional office partition, minimizing the barrier between working areas, and encouraging interactions between employees.

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